New Opportunities for Control of Bindweed in Blackberries

The objectives of this project were to determine: 1) whether the herbicide Quinclorac can be used to control or suppress bindweed in blackberries without impacting crop performance; and 2) whether a biological control of bindweed, the gall-forming mite Aceria malherbae, can be established in berry fields and used in concert with herbicides to enhance bindweed control. Quinclorac was applied 30 days before harvest, after harvest, and near the first frost in the fall to both EY and AY blackberries, raspberries, and blackberry and raspberry transplants. Quinclorac provided 80 to 90% control of bindweed and did not harm caneberries.

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Development of a wine yeast to prevent stuck fermentations

Faulted wines pose a serious economic problem to the wine industry, these off flavors can cause consumers, new to a region or variety, to reject that region entirely. Wine faults can include off-aromas or flavors associated with chemical compounds produced by spoilage organisms Brettanomyces, Acetobacter, Pediococcus or Lactobacillus. From the producers and winemakers’ perspective, early detection of wine faults would allow for remediation before the fault becomes more serious, intractable, and costly. Research in wine fault detection continues to develop as more sensitive and rapid analytical methods are identified that can reflect the complexity of the faulted wine.

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