Biological Control of Spider Mites in Washington Viticulture

Eliminating the need for season-long vineyard spray control can save growers up to $100 per acre annually in miticide costs (average miticide application cost of $35 per acre). With an estimated 55,000 acres of wine grapes in the state today, reducing miticide applications from three to one can save the industry about $3.5 million annually in pesticide costs, and increase sustainability by building biodiversity and employing integrated pest management (IPM) in vineyards.

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Connecting Breeders to Producers: Regional on-Farm trials of Strawberry Cultivars and Elite Selections

There has been an ongoing need to have consistent strawberry variety grower trials to determine the potential these new varieties have in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) climate and markets. This project began to bridge the gap between the introduction of new varieties and growers confidently planting these new varieties. Three seasons of fresh and processed strawberry trials were planted in the Pacific Northwest and evaluated for fall establishment, overwintering potential and preharvest qualities that would meet grower and buyer standards.

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